Friday, June 14, 2013

Try This Easiest Trick To Boost Your Internet Speed On USB Modem

Try This Easiest Trick To Boost Your Internet Speed On USB Modem

There are so many hacks, ‘tools’ and so called tweaks available on how to boost your wireless internet speed. Many will suggest changing network settings in your browser or computer. But believe me, they are useless and they make little or no difference to your internet speed. Yes, they might give you some temporary illusion of improvement. But today, if you are using a USB modem, I want to introduce you to a trick (honestly just one trick) which really helped me.
A laptop connected to USB modem using USB extended cable

Wireless Network and Your Location

Whenever using wireless internet using a USB modem (also called USB dongle), we often find network problems which are mostly based on our location. I faced the connection problem specially when a call is going on on Skype, the call would have the problem at least once.
Many would mistakenly believe that the fault is with the Internet connection provider company. Sometimes it might be so if the internet provide is not so reputed. But it will not always help you to keep changing the service provider.

Is ‘Cantenna’ Helpful?

One popular tip mostly suggested is to use a cantenna. In this method, the USB modem or wi-fi device is covered around with an open-ended can made of metal, specially aluminium. Similarly, it is also suggested to place an aluminium coil around the USB modem. It is said to work like antenna and fetch more network signals. This trick might have helped some or many, but I never found this helpfulat all. This might be helpful for people who are living some far from city area or network location.

Extend and Reach!

USB extended cable
The major cause of problems with wireless network is  location. For certain locations, you might face network problem if you are using wireless internet in the room, specially when you are far from the window or view of sky. It is not always possible to use your computer near the window. To easily resolve this problem, get yourself a USB extended cable, with length of 3 to 5 meters preferable, which is easily available in a computer hardware shop.  More than 5 meter length for USB connectivity might face problems and is not recommended. Try placing one end of USB cable (with which you have attached the USB modem) at some high place in the room, near the window. (Remember, height is the important factor and your modem must be higher than other objects in the room) And you are done!

Proven Results

Ever since using this trick, I never experienced network problems, even duringSkype calls. I also confirmed the improvement in speed by verifying on services likeinternet speed test. I am sharing this trick hoping that it will help you too.
(Image credit: Getty Images)