Monday, September 28, 2015

How To Hack Youtube Video

How To Hack Youtube Video

How To Hack Youtube Video

How To Hack Youtube Private Videos

How To Hack Youtube Private Videos

You tube is the best site to share videos & over 35 hours of video being uploaded to you tube every-minute. Some videos are ‘private’ which can be viewed by the up loader (user) & only some you tube user, which are selected by the uploader, can view the private video. There are also many videos which are age restricted & require Google to ‘sign it’ to view that video. You can hack ‘You tube private videos’ by following steps:
  • Trick-1You can see the you tube videos as ‘thumbnail’ images before loading them & it help to verify or confirm whether the video is the one that you are looking for or ‘not. This trick method is useful for those users who have limited data-plan or may be slow connection speed.
  • In the following URL, find out the video ID, which look like this ‘ FkTsuqPqsGe’. Now you can use this ‘ID’ in the following URL in order to access or get ‘three-frames’ stills: id/1.jpge,
Imge2- id/2.jpge,
Imge3- id/3.jpge,
Now copy the above URL & then replace the video ID.
  • Trick-2: You can watch the full video without ‘sign in’ but it does not work with private videos.
Remove or delete ‘watch’ from the URL,
Replace = with /,
Like it, & enter.

How To Hack Youtube Views And Likes

How To Hack Youtube Views And Likes

You can hack you tube views & likes by using some software’s and by using some web sites, its depends on your perception. Software’s like: “You Tube superbot, you tube Adder pro, and similarly web sites.
  • How to use ‘Generator’: First, download & then install the setup,
  • Then open ‘hack’ & make sure that antivirus or firewall does not block that,
  • Now copy the URL of the video & paste it,
  • Now select the mega options ‘views, subscriber, like & dislike’.
  • At last, press the button ‘generator’.

How To Hack Inactive Youtube Channels

How To Hack Inactive Youtube Channels

You can hack Inactive you tube channels by using ‘key logger’ or generate ‘key logger’ & via ‘rat’. You just have to make sure that you have clicked right URL of the video. You Tube change its updates &algorithms, video features constantly. After removing inactive channels & subscriptions, the content creators are seeing a drop in channel subscriptions. Complaints gone ‘viral’ with save you tube campaign & the fix you tube campaign.

How To Hack Youtube Video Download

You tube does not expose or explicate the demanded features on its web site like automatically enabling ‘HD’ mode, playing the videos on repeat, downloading etc. In order to download a you tube video you will need a third party web site. While you viewing any video on you tube then change the ‘you’ part of the URL in your address-bar & the video will open & give you download option.
  • By using ‘You tube file hack’ you can get the videos from you tube & save it to your hard drive. It provides two-download options: ‘available to all videos’ & ‘not available to all you tube videos’. You can save the file according to your file format.
It is integrating itself with “web browser” in order to authorize download & several browsers are compatible/relevant with ‘you tube hack file’. It offers menus & options that are easily readable and reachable.